Lifetime Guarantee: “ If you don’t use it, you are going to lose it ”
We understand that each student may not need to use every aspect of a software package immediately after they complete training. As each person’s job requirements change or expand, a loss of retention may arise in his or her knowledge of a previously studied software package.
At AlphaLogic, any student who successfully completes their curriculum is guaranteed the opportunity to refresh their education, on a space available basis at our learning centre. This complimentary access for review applies specifically to course work reflected on the enrollment agreement.
In addition, AlphaLogic offers a discounted price to any student wishing to upgrade from one application version to the latest release. AlphaLogic is dedicated to ensure that your training will remain current and serve you for a lifetime.
Our Student Services Manager is also available for consultation with any of our past graduates for help with their resume, interviewing skills, and job search strategies. Our work is not finished until you are employed!